While nobody is judging a person, it still occurs that a lot of people are just tempted to commit crimes. There could be many reasons as to why they end up doing that. It could be because they do not have a job or might be going through financial troubles and they feel that crimes are the way out of the crisis.For a lot of people, becoming a criminal is the easier way of the difficulties that come with the efforts of earning a fair bread and they think that ripping someone off their rights to live, laugh, or be happy is better than actually going out and doing something about their own lives. Razy Hague in her book, Behind the Looking Glass (978-1951630799) says that even if they end up going to jail, they will have a roof over their heads, a bed to sleep in, and three hot meals a day. So, why wouldn't they be motivated enough to become something like that?
“A mathematical formula for happiness:Reality divided by Expectations. There were two ways to be happy:improve your reality or lower your expectations.”― Jodi Picoult, Nineteen Minutes. In the eyes of Picoult happiness can be attained either if we lower our expectations or improve our reality. The best way is to lower your expectations. Lowering your expectations just does not mean that you should aim lower or that you are not enough capable of meeting your expectations.
It just means that you work hard as much as you can and if you do meet your expectations or more than be happy but if not don't be sad. So lowering your expectation means that you just do your best without expecting that much success, which means detaching from outcome or result. And always remember while you are at achieving your goal always enjoy your path to success.
Author Bio:
Razy Hague is of the idea that some of the most pivotal times in her life where she has managed to cheat death, and rediscover herself. She gained awareness through the depths of her hurdles to see things that she couldn’t see before, and she reclaimed control by getting rid of the barriers within that held her back through the years. Razy is a strong woman who has been through a lot in her life and has still managed to come out on top. She has written books to show women all around the world and has inspired them to believe that they can overcome any hurdle in their lives if they act smartly and stay strong.