To a great extent, the reason behind people evaluating their lives in terms of objects is that we have grown used to the fact and norms that prevail in our society which goes by as the meaning of success is having a luxurious lifestyle with penthouses, cars, twice in a year holiday trip with, etc. It is high time we started looking at the bigger picture and took into consideration some of the most important aspects behind a person's life being meaningful and beneficial to not just themselves but people around them too:
You can paint, draw, write, sing, and dance. Engage in whatever activities make you happy even though you know that you will not be getting any profits out of it. Indulge yourself in the kind of stuff that gives you a sense of creation and helps you think better of your own self. Invest your time and energy into anything but your profession or work just to give you the idea that not all the things that make you happy are meant to earn your money. It is the relationships that we have in our lives and around us with our family members, friends and everyone that make life worth living and not "the family” itself.
How often do we find ourselves asking questions like “What makes life meaningful?”, “What am I doing with my life?” etc. It is said that human beings in search of greater joy and good overlook the beautiful moments of everyday life on their road to success. The book, C’s of Success by Dr. Michael Smith says that one of the most difficult things to do in the world is to figure out what the keys to happiness are and what exactly do we need in order to be happy. This differs from person to person because every person has their own ways of being happy and there are different things that make each person happy. It will not do you any good or give you any kind of happiness or sense of meaningfulness just to have an attractive partner if you do not have time to spend with them and love them, or adorable kids if the only time they get to spent time with you is on Sundays when you are done with your mobile phones and laptops.
Author Bio:
Dr. Michael L. Smith Sr. is an emerging 21st century leader and a sought out voice of wisdom, strength, integrity and excellence. He has a down to earth personality and a charisma that has enabled to reach millions of people on multiple platforms of influence. Dr. Mike has been leading, mentoring, training, and influencing individuals for over thirty years. He is the founder and executive director of a non-profit organization Move Your Feet which assist in community efforts, outreach, and human development. He is a well-respected entrepreneur of several businesses, philanthropist, fashion influencer, lead pastor, father and husband.