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What makes us give up on things that we value the most?

To never give up means that we do not stand down when a problem comes by and we stay put no matter how much an issue or trouble tries to budge us. It is believed that each and every one of us has the strength among or hearts and souls that keeps us going during the hardest of time and provided us with the courage to face the challenges head-on. The book, Go and See, says that the people who never give up on their dreams are the people who become a beacon of hope for other people around them. They keep on going themselves and motivate others to do the same too.


People should learn that they should never say no to their dreams because our dreams are what give our lives meaning and provide us with a sense of purpose. It is agreeable that there are a lot of things that stand in the way of a person following his dream. There are ills to pay, jobs to do, businesses to take care of, families to be with, etc. Even if there are a lot of things that stop people from going after their dreams, there are still a whole lot of things that are motivation enough for us to chase our dreams.

If you have had a history of failing at doing things that you have wanted to do then there has to be one thing that you need to believe in with all your heart and that is the failures of your past never mean that you will fail in the future as well. Every failure comes with a fresh chance at success because you learn one more way that won’t work. However, a lot of the times when we are going through a problem, we feel like giving up because to us it seems as if there is no other way out of that situation and we have given everything a shot. But, every problem comes with a solution, and if you feel like having tried all the thongs but it still has not been better then know for sure that you have not tried everything.

Wanting more and demanding higher all the time rather than, being happy with what you have got is against human nature. Yet, it is not possible to chase your dreams all the time; it is better to take a break and step back and be happy with what you achieved. Now, this theory applies to the big and small, both the problems and can vary from simple math problems to fitness goals, professional success, etc. It is one of the most renowned sayings in the world that every problem

Author bio:

Komla S. Agbenossi is a very dedicated, hardworking, and consistent man who was born into an average African family. He struggled a lot while working towards achieving his dreams and despite having multiple responsibilities he succeeded in achieving it. That is the exact same message that he has put forward in his book as well.

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