Evidence plays an essentialpart in criminal cases across the world.These pieces of evidence help in establishing facts and figures of a crime. For example, evidence of bloody fingerprints will help determine the location of the victim's murderer. Also, Real and demonstrative evidence are two main types of evidence, and they can only be used in trials if they are acceptable and relevant.
Shreds of evidenceare used at trials to prove or disprove specific facts which tend to show if something was right or not. Besides, the four types of evidence that help to prove or disprove a crime are:
1) Real Evidence
Real evidence, usually called physical evidence, consists of objects and materials that a jury can capture and examine. Examples of real evidence are fingerprints, DNA, knives,blood samples, guns, and other physical objects.
Real evidence is usually accepted because it tends to prove or disprove facts at trial. Real evidence is generally involved in the main events of the case, such as murder weapons, victim clothing, narcotics, or fingerprints.
To be used at the hearing, real evidence must be relevant, valuable, and dependable. The lawyer's process of establishing these necessaryformalities is called laying the foundation and can beachieved by calling the witnesses.
2) Demonstrative Evidence
Demonstrative evidence (usually a diagram) identifies or illustrates the witness's evidence. If it reflects the witness's evidence justly and accurately and is more empirical than bias, it is acceptable. Examples of diagrams include maps, crime scene diagrams, and diagrams showing the physical or financial harm to the plaintiff. Witnesses create and use trial evidence at trial, and opposing lawyers can use the same evidence to prove contrasting views.
3) Documentary Evidence
Documents produced at trial are written evidence used to prove or disprove some allegations. These documents can be found in large quantities of diaries, letters, contracts, newspapers, and any other document type you can think. As we need to ensure the authenticity and reliability of the document, there are some limitations and qualifications when trying to use the document. The documentary evidence holds equal importance as other pieces of evidence used in a criminal investigation.
4) Testimonial Evidence
When someone stands up on the trial stand and says what they have seen or heard, this is called testimonial evidence. Only witnesses testify on the facts of the case under oath.
Permissibility of Evidence
Unless permissible, evidence cannot be used at trial. The permissibility of evidence depends on its validity and authenticity. Besides, the value of proof of evidence (the ability to prove or disprove facts) must never exceed the absolute shock value or the bias of evidence.
For example, photos of murder victims may be allowed to show if the defendant could have caused the wounds visible in the pictures. Conversely, photos of corpses after a week of acute death are not accepted because they have little test value and are very biased due to shock value.
In conclusion, for anyone conducting an investigation, one of the most important is the ability to gather and analyze different types of evidence. Theshreds of evidence play an essential part in any criminal investigation, and no inquiry can proceed with them.
Author's Bio:
Brad Schlerf is an author of book series "Gotcha" and a retired Police Detective. As a Police Officer, he continues his pursuit of the truth in helping others throughout his years of public service.
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