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The Power of Faith In Christ – Eloise Collins

Writer's picture: Book ManiaBook Mania

“Faith in its true signification is more than the moving cause pursuant to which men and angels act. It is also a principle of power. Faith is power. And where there is power, there is faith; and where there is no power, there is no faith. Thus, Joseph Smith continues: ‘Faith is not only the principle of action, but of power also, in all intelligent beings, whether in heaven or on earth.’ Faith applies in all spheres. All intelligent beings—be they gods, angels, spirits, or men—all operate by its power.”


– Bruce R. McConkie

Faith in Jesus Christ is a source of strength and courage, a belief that can lead us to better our lives and benefit others by sharing it. People, who exercise their faith in Jesus Christ and are always looking for ways to become a more faithful believer understand that the Lord will always be there to help them when it comes to their spiritual and physical needs in their life.To have faith in Jesus Christ, we must first understand what faith is itself.

“To have faith in Jesus Christ means to have such trust in him that we obey whatever he commands. There is no faith where there is no obedience. Likewise, there is true obedience only where there is faith. As we place our faith in Jesus Christ, becoming his obedient disciples, Heavenly Father will forgive our sins and prepare us to return to him” – Gospel Principles, 1997, pp.118.

Knowledge, assent, and trust are the three components of faith. In faith, you must have content or knowledge, which simply means to have faith in someone or something. Many people will tell you to just “have faith” or to “believe”. But this has no meaning if you don’t have someone or something to have faith or believe in. To become a faithful and devoted Christian, who has given all their faith to Jesus Christ, you must first understand who Jesus is and what He has done for His people, us. How He sacrificed His life to carry the heavy burden of all our sins. The next part is to assent, which means to believe in the knowledge as the only truth. Now many people would think that having the knowledge and believing it is all you need. But that is not the truth. Trust is the third and the last component of faith, the most important one. If one must truly have faith in our Savoir, Jesus Christ, then the believer must trust Him. Trust means to depend on and give yourself to Jesus Christ, especially when you are faced with struggles in life.

Author Eloise Collins’s new book, The Faithfull Journey 978-1-950088-15-7, is a way for her to show how empowering it can be to have faith in Jesus Christ and help them find the faith for themselves. During dark times, Collins was constantly guided by Jesus’s voice and her faith, back into the light. Collins aims to aid her readers in recognizing our Savior’s voice, following it, and listening to it.

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