Financial realist Ronnie Lee writes about wealth acquisition and management in his latest book, Know Money No Problem (ISBN 978-1952263583). Growing up, Lee’s family survived on a single paycheck that his father earned. By the end of every month, they would barely have any money left. Throughout his childhood, Lee learned about household economics from all the financial mistakes his parents made. With barely any money to his name, Lee set out to earn money and build his net worth. Eventually, he was able to start several businesses and own a chain of homes in Las Vegas, Nevada. With his book, Lee wants to help average earners manage their money smartly and turn it into profit.
One of the most important parts of money management is financial planning. With financial planning, your short-term and long-term financial goals become clearer and you can finally hatch out a balanced plan to meet these goals. According to Blue Shore Financial, here are some of the most powerful reasons to help you understand why financial planning is important:
· Income: It's possible to manage income more effectively through planning. Managing income helps you understand how much money you'll need for tax payments, other monthly expenditures, and savings.
· Cash Flow: Increase cash flows by carefully monitoring your spending patterns and expenses. Tax planning, prudent spending, and careful budgeting will help you keep more of your hard-earned cash.
· Capital: An increase in cash flow, can lead to an increase in capital. Allowing you to consider investments to improve your overall financial well-being.
· Family Security: Providing for your family's financial security is an important part of the financial planning process. Having the proper insurance coverage and policies in place can provide peace of mind for you and your loved ones.
· Investment: A proper financial plan considers your personal circumstances, objectives, and risk tolerance. It acts as a guide in helping choose the right types of investments to fit your needs, personality, and goals.
· Standard of Living: The savings created from good planning can prove beneficial in difficult times. For example, you can make sure there is enough insurance coverage to replace any lost income should a family breadwinner become unable to work.
· Financial Understanding: Better financial understanding can be achieved when measurable financial goals are set, the effects of decisions understood, and results reviewed. Giving you a whole new approach to your budget and improving control over your financial lifestyle.
· Assets: A nice 'cushion' in the form of assets is desirable. But many assets come with liabilities attached. So, it becomes important to determine the real value of an asset. The knowledge of settling or canceling the liabilities comes with an understanding of your finances. The overall process helps build assets that don't become a burden in the future.
· Savings: It used to be called saving for a rainy day. But sudden financial changes can still throw you off track. It is good to have some investments with high liquidity. These investments can be utilized in times of emergency or for educational purposes.
· Ongoing Advice: Establishing a relationship with a financial advisor you can trust is critical to achieving your goals. Your financial advisor will meet with you to assess your current financial circumstances and develop a comprehensive plan customized for you.