Only when you decide to please the Heavenly Father in all aspects of your life, you can experience aseparate dimension of your life. In this dimension, Jesus becomes real to you and reveals himself to you. When you discover how to live a righteous life, His power comes to life in you. Today, only a few believers understand what holiness means, and fewer comprehend God's love and live a righteous life. As Lindon Raphael Brown writes in his book "The Book of Ancient Wisdom,"Following a path of righteousness means our steps will not be hindered, and the righteous path is the only way toreach our final destination.
This article highlights the essential ways of living a righteous life.
1) Disengage Yourself From the World
The first step to live a righteous life is to disengage yourself from the world. Besides, the Bible warns us that we should draw a specific line between us and the world. The disengagement doesn't mean to start living on mountains and stop interacting with people. Instead, it means to control your thoughts, behaviors, and words. The words in the Bible are obvious and says, if you call yourself a man of righteousness, you have to follow the divine law.
Being disconnected means not to live like sinners, and don't fall for worldly temptations like the rest of the world—instead, it's about living the way God wants you to live and follow His path.
2) Flee the Evil Temptations
God gave us the authority to resist evil temptations that come in our way. All we need is to flee from such temptations to live a righteous life. Don't follow the devil as he manipulated Adam and Eve to disobey in the garden. At that time, they had a choice, but the temptations digressed them from the right path. Likewise, we have a choice, too, and shouldn't fall for the evil temptations if we want to live a righteous life.
3) Follow the Word of God
As we have already discovered, holiness means following God. It is about living life as the way of God. It is adjusting our conduct according to the will of God and the motivations of the Holy Spirit. We must dedicate ourselves to God and follow His word by obeying all his commandments to the best of our ability. By placing the Holy Word consistently in our eyes and ears every day, we let God speak to us. It's an excellent way to listen to His corrections and instructions and make the Holy Word prosper and embed in our souls.
People fail to disconnect from their past lives and fall into the devil's trap. The never devote enough time reading the Bible, praying, and learning to listen to the Holy Spirit within themselves. Following the devil's path cant change their hearts. One has to follow God's Word to change his/her heart to live a righteous life.
Conclusively, when you disconnect from the sinful world, flee from evil temptations, and follow God's Word, you will certainly beliving a holy life inspired by the love of God. You have to make a firm decision and follow these essential steps to live a righteous life.
Author's Bio:
Lindon Raphael Brown is a founder, director, Pastor of Outreach International Healing Ministries, and has the vision to help people fulfill their dreams.In "The Book of Ancient Wisdom,"ISBN: 978-1-95-00889-8, he beautifully explains how God's reverential fear will open the door to wisdom from the highest source in the universe, the mighty God.