We can say that it is quite obvious that happiness comes in a number of types. Not every human being in this world is content with the same thing. Each person has different things in life which makes them happy or sad. The most important thing is that one should be aware of his/her likeness, and truly understand what he desires, and what makes them happy. There should not be an occasion on which you will have to think about yourself, you do not have to feel special on your birthday, no you should cherish and adore yourself every day. No matter what you have been through and no matter how difficult life has become for you after tragedy, there are still thousands of ways you can prioritize yourself in a day. Go for a walk or a coffee, spent a whole day at the salon, load your phone with your pictures and favorite apps and music. Read a book and drift off to sleep.
We all achieve something in our lives, rather small or huge. Why not write them down? These achievements can be of any sort, for example, Physical, personal, goals you have met, places that you wanted to visit and finally did what so ever. This activity will not only help you invest your time in a positive activity but also makes you self-confident that you have achieved a lot.
You should focus on what you have so far achieved not on what you still have to. Razy Hague in her book, Behind the Looking Glass (978-1951630799), says that human beings often give the rope of their contentment in other people's hands. Well, actually that makes us kind of violent and tends to deviate people’s criminal mindsets is the fact that they think since they have suffered in their lives, rest of the people need to suffer too and out of control. So here are some ways through which you can create your own happy palace and raise your joy. Aristotle said that "Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim, and end of human existence". Through human history, it can be seen that they always run after a greater good and leave behind those little joys and memories of life.
Author Bio:
Razy is a strong woman who has been through a lot in her life and has still managed to come out on top. She has written books to show women all around the world and has inspired them to believe that they can overcome any hurdle in their lives if they act smartly and stay strong. Razy Hague is of the idea that some of the most pivotal times in her life where she has managed to cheat death, and rediscover herself. She gained awareness through the depths of her hurdles to see things that she couldn’t see before, and she reclaimed control by getting rid of the barriers within that held her back through the years.