Cybercrimes are increasing throughout the globe. The rate of such illegal crimes is growing, no matter where you are you do not know that if you are being followed or if someone is breaching your safety or privacy. The number of people being socially abused is increasing day by day. Information technology through which we can benefit to the next level is being misused by people. Rather than looking at the bright side people are busy with the evil side of technology. Many developed countries are trying to take strict action against such illegal activities by enforcing laws and regulations and creating awareness among the people.
People should be well aware of the danger they are in. people might think that their financial information is in dangers because of the hackers but this is not how simple it is. These illegal criminals are coming with new and more dangerous sorts of threats every year. If you even know what cybercriminals limits are you might stop using internet at all. But that is clearly not the solution, to stop a crime surrendering is not the solution you should learn how to fight it.
Jason Rorie says in his book, Small Business-A Hacker’s Playground (978-1071086070) thatyou should be socially aware. Never share too much information on social media. Such as where you live, you pet name, your current locations and stuff like that. Try to maintain your privacy and protect your personal and private data as much as you can. Not only you but, you should make your child aware of the best use of internet. Firstly, make sure they do not misuse it. Secondly start building the concept in their minds that if they are being bullied or harassed they should reach to you for help or better advice.
There are certain websites that can provide everlasting protection against different sorts of viruses and malfunctions. It can also help you to protect your private as well as financial information whenever you are online. Hence using full-service internet security is mandatory. Another necessary precaution against cybercrimes is to use sold and safer passwords. Try to make your passwords as hard as possible and unpredictable. For example, your password should not be your date of birth or something really predictable. Try mixing numbers with letters to make your password strong and hard to crack.
Author Bio:
Jason Rorie grew up in Mississippi and served in the US Navy for w few years where he learned about the technical and security-related aspects along with work ethics, leadership, and conduct. He has a degree in Computer network engineering and writes to create awareness among people about cybercrimes.