Cybercrimes are like a fast-growing bacteria in today's advance technological society. The number of cybercrimes is massively increased. Not only are they spreading but adapting different colors and shapes. In fact, the cybercriminals are actually advancing faster than the technology itself. It is through today's advanced technology that people are able to protect themselves from cybercriminals but still, cybercrimes are now getting out of our technological range. Author Jason Rorie in his book, Small Business-A Hacker’s Playground (978-1071086070), says that for cyber attackers, size does not matter and they attack large and small businesses likewise. They even hesitate before attacking a large organization only because they are aware that they must have prepared for such risks. On average, a cyber-attack and only a single breach can cost up to 3 million dollars. Now, do small businesses have this kind of financial cushion to suffer this big blow?
The idea that we can stop cybercrimes or nip them in the bud seems mythological. Before preceding let us look at the origin of hacking. The very beginning when something like hacking was first named.
The Origin of Hacking:
The origin of hacking is known to have dated back to the late 1990s and early 2000s. The hacking tactics originally came from the word phreaking. Firstly it was also known as cracking. At the very beginning, hackers were all about hacking the phone system. The idea of cracking into a phone system was adopted by prototype hackers as per their interest.
There was an evolution in this field after the invention of computers. While the world was busy buying PCs and advancing their companies through technology, hackers started to enjoy the situation because now they have a new battleground. They started checking the mistakes of people and errors and networks and soon after discovered the weak point and attacked.
Soon after the hacking was announced to be an illegal activity known as cybercrimes. Those who commit it will be known as cybercriminals. But those witty hackers don't ever give up. Firstly it was done for merely thrill and fun but they started realizing that they can make their own money through this skill.
How is it done?
Cybercriminals all over the globe use different sorts of hardware and software so that they can try and test how much effort is required to breach a computer network. They try to find the areas which can be easily attacked or weak enough. These areas are also known as the vulnerabilities of a system. The weak area or vulnerability can be found anywhere in the system it can be data connection of control system of that device. In the early times, hackers were not invisible to the users but nowadays hackers have developed such methods that they are completely oblivious to the user.
The fact that due to today’s vast field of technology hackers have become more cunning and fast, you may not know that your PCs are either under attack or its already induced with viruses. As we all are well aware of the fact that cybercriminals are nowhere near today's technology. They have surpassed the limits of technology and evilness. And the only way to compete with them is to contact those people who are the same as hackers but not evil.
The white hat hackers use the technology in the correct way, to protect people and their information. White hat hackers are specially trained to observe the next move of black hat hackers. So, it is better that you either download an antivirus program or at least update your software regularly to avoid illegal breaches.
Author Bio:
Jason Rorie grew up in Mississippi and served in the US Navy for w few years where he learned about the technical and security-related aspects along with work ethics, leadership, and conduct. He has a degree in Computer network engineering and writes to create awareness among people about cybercrimes.