Throughout life, we have come across people that seem to always be in the right place at the right time. In the sense that they instantly get the perfect job, the perfect projects, and promotions. When it happens so often, you wonder if they have a crystal ball or knowledge of the future guiding them to the best opportunities in life. Most of the time, it is neither of that, nor fate or destiny. It is simple, yet effective strategies and habits. Author and aspiring entrepreneur, Cameron D. Wheeler, writes about the endless advantages of becoming an opportunist in his latest book, One Decision Away 978-1951630423. Wheeler struggled for a long time in life after the untimely passing of his loving mother. He fought alcohol addiction and other self-destructive habits to pull himself out of a dark place in life. Wheeler shares his triumphs and defeats in an effort to help others, who might be struggling under similar circumstances as he once did.
To attract the right opportunities to yourself, you don’t need luck or the odds at your favor. You need a strategy that will help you be in the right place at the right all the time! It’s not an instant solution to your problems. But with time and patience, it will be the most effective and beneficial. The first habit is to pay attention to your environment. Interacting with your surroundings will help you retain more information. Understand what people around you or in your workplace value, this will improve your responses and preparations. People always prefer doing things the way they are faster, easier, and evocative. If you bring that to the table, you’ll automatically be more resourceful and people will think of you first when new opportunities surface.
A dedicated and enthusiastic attitude towards your work, no matter how boring or dull it may seem, will make what you do more exciting for you and the people around you. The habit of honoring your work will bring an ample amount of value to the work you do, encouraging people to offer you the best opportunities. Opportunists always know that opportunities are everywhere around them. So, always be on the lookout for them. Always be there to help and counsel people with things that are in the area of your expertise. In a workplace, folks tend to value the people, who enjoy what they do and are always willing to offer a helping hand. This does not mean that you need to overextend yourself, look out for the opportunities that can benefit you as well as the people around you. Practicing these habits will surround you with the best opportunities available.