Teachers play one of the most important roles in our society. A teacher can leave a life-long impact on a child and mold their paths forward. When children start going to school, the responsibility of the child is temporarily split between parents and a teacher. A teacher can become a mentor, a parent figure, and a guide. They can play many different roles and all these roles cater efficiently to the child’s development and needs. According to the Resilient Educator, here are five important roles a teacher plays in the classroom:
1. Resource
One of the top roles a teacher must fill is that of a resource specialist. There will be many people who will come to the teacher seeking information. Even if the person is only seeking a source of information, the teacher is the one who must know how to find what the student is looking for.
Once the teacher has given the information to the student or coworker, he or she will often have to instruct the student on how to use the information.
2. Support
Students are the ones who need support when learning a new skill or piece of information. A teacher must act as the support person when the student needs this help. Support can come in many forms such as a coach, leader, and even a counselor. In professional circles, a teacher may even have to support other teachers leading a particular subject matter.
3. Mentor
One of the biggest roles a teacher may have is that of a mentor. Students look up to teachers and may pattern their own behavior and work ethic to match the instructor. An older teacher can even be a mentor to a younger teacher who is just starting out in the profession.
4. Helping hand
A leader in a school is a person who takes on extra tasks such as leading the PTA meetings and even helping set up a gym for a big event. Teachers who are active in school will often have more jobs than just the one they were hired to perform. Often, the goals of the teacher will match the direction that the school is taking.
5. Learner
One last important role a teacher must fill is that of a learner. Anyone who has been involved in a profession long enough knows that there is always something new to learn. A learner is a person who is always growing in life and will never claim that they know it all. A teacher will be challenged every day with a new task that will help them grow into a better person.
Teacher and educational performer, Christopher James, who has performed in 32 countries around the world, writes about a variety of teaching methods in his book, Teacher Presence: 12 Habits to Create Space for Accelerated Learning. It is the perfect guide for new teachers that are just finding their way as well as experienced teacher adapting to the modern ways of our fast-paced world. James discusses the origin of education systems right from the beginning of time to the most modern one. It is important to understand how we improved and altered teaching methods to help children learn better.
As time is passing, new teaching methods and techniques that are scientifically proven to be increasingly beneficial for children are replacing the traditional ways. For a teacher, it is important to implement these methods in class and perform their job efficiently.