We have confined our lives; all we can think about is work, family and lastly love. Making them a priority is not a bad thing at all but maybe we are missing something that can help us not just with these three aspects of our live but everything else too. The money we have, the family that we are proud of and the love that we cherish are something that have been bestowed upon us by a much bigger and much more valued entity than anything else; God! It’s Him who has given us all that we have and at his will only we lose. We all know this fact but somewhere through the time we forgot about it.
When we are walking on the road we pass across hundreds of people daily and everyday most of them are new; the ones we have never met or seen before. What we normally miss is that with every new individual that we pass by we actually pass by a whole story. All of us have been living our lives and if we are to take an overlook most of the lives that we have witnessed ot heard about are mainstream. With a slight modification it seems as if each one of us going through the same kind of problems and troubles and has somewhat same solution for all those. Work, family and love those are the things that each of our lives revolve around.
Even with all the similarities that we witness the truth is that we are still individual and unique. There are miniscule differences in every step we take and every thought that crosses our mind and all of those small things we end up being completely different and our lives become different. We have heard influential people advising not to judge unless you have walked in a person’s shoes, why do they say that? Because shoes might look alike but a person’s size differs. And that is the arguably the perfect example of each of our lives. No matter how similar it all may seem there is always something that is out of the ordinary. The people around us are all stories and experiences that can each us so much that we still haven’t explored or come across.
Among so many other teachings this particular statement alone can do wonders in putting your mind at peace and making your life prosperous. All you can right now is imagining how easy life could be if you could just reach out to God and understand how it all works. “PerplexedBut Not in Despair” by James Michel is a scripture that holds answers to all your despairs. The content in the book will help you learn how God is always there for you.
James Michel is a leader, a networker, and a revivalist. He is also a seasoned District Manager with over 15 years of experience in blood banking at one of the most recognizable non-profit organizations in the world. With a track record of achieving exceptional results in operations, James has led staffdevelopment and training, as well as implemented new procedures in support of the organization’s business strategies.
James’ life vision is to promote God’s message of reconciliation with mankind through prayer, teaching, and service – “On Earth as in Heaven.”