Author Olayinka Olusola Akisanya faced many struggles throughout her life. But she never lost hope or her faith. In fact, Akisanya’s strong Christian faith helped her overcome even the most difficult situations. She began understanding the true purpose of trials and tribulations in life, this time it was through words of God. In the Bible, there are countless verses and parables about trials and tribulations, which even prophets faced at some point in their journey. No one is exempt from them. At one point or another in time, everyone has to face some kind of struggle in life.
These trials of life have taught Akisanya many things. In her latest book, Surviving the Opposite 978-1951630836, Akisanya writes about her personal struggles and discusses different verses from the Bible that give us insight into trials and tribulations of one’s life. Akisanya aims to help others regain their faith and trust in God during trying times. Additionally, here a few powerful tools that will help you cope during difficult times, by Nicholas K. Lamoureux from Beyond Today:
· Prayer
God sees all and knows what’s going on in our life. We don’t pray to Him to let Him know what’s going on in our lives, but to build a relationship with Him. Take your own human father, for example. When you were a kid, you probably didn’t need to tell him that you had played a baseball game that day, but you talked about it anyway and as a result, developed a stronger relationship with Him.
It’s also important to remember that God wants us to ask Him for the things we need in life. In Matthew 7:7-8 Jesus encourages, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”
· Bible study
Perhaps the reason we’re going through a certain trial is that there’s something God wants us to learn or something we need to change in our lives. Looking at God’s Word and making sure that we’re trying our best to put it into practice in our daily lives is important; we shouldn’t have contact with God and seek Him out only when things are going bad or we need something done.
· Meditation
Often during a trial, we become so stressed and worried about the situation that we forget to just stop, take a deep breath, and a good look at the situation. When we meditate on God’s Word and apply it to our situation, many times we can find the answer is right in front of our nose.
· Fellowship
Iron sharpens iron, so why not talk with your close fellow brethren about an issue they may have insight on? Hebrews 10:24-25 emphasizes the necessity of spending time with the rest of God’s people. Perhaps they have advice for you; or perhaps they can pray, maybe even fast, for you. Simply being around other members can take a load off your shoulders.
About the Author
Olayinka Olusola Akisanya emphasizes the importance of faith and religion to lead a peaceful and happy life in her writing. She believes that to find the good things in life, a Christian should find their faith in God and his son Jesus Christ, who carried the burden of our sins. Writing this beautiful book has helped her reach out to countless people who have been lacking a spark in their lives and facing grave difficulties. This book and her voice will be the light at the end of the tunnel for many around the world.