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Balancing Family Life and Personal Dreams – Jeff Heller

Pursuing and chasing your dreams can require a lot of effort, time, dedication, and hard work. Every person has different dreams, they need to take different steps in life to turn their dreams into reality. Especially when you have a family and kids to provide for, give your love and attention too as well. Finding a balance between attending to family duties and pursuing your dreams, is difficult. That is true, but it is not impossible.


Most people in the world have two kinds of jobs. One provides a stable income and the other one is what they are truly passionate about. Some very lucky people have just one job that does both. These people have been able to take their dreams and passions, turning it into a lucrative career. Others have been struggling with following their dreams while working a job that pays enough so they could lead comfortable lives with their families. But there are only 24 hours in a day and dividing your time and energy equally can get quite tough. It’s a truth that most people in the world have accepted, that making a living by doing something you love and are passionate about is difficult.

Following your dreams is not easy. Though, many people think that if you are following your dreams, everything you do should be in alignment with achieving that dream that you have to abandon everything else in life. But that is far from the truth. In reality, people who are chasing their dreams cannot afford to quit their job or other responsibilities in life. Just focusing on achieving your dreams, without worrying about any other responsibility in life, may only sound like an ideal situation. All you need, to find that balance is determination and the right kind of attitude in life.

Flexibility is essential, in your work hours, working on achieving your dreams, and giving time to your family. Another mental task to do to achieve balance is to define what is important and what is not. If something can be dealt with tomorrow, leave it for tomorrow and make time for what is truly important today. If you are giving in extra hours into work or goals that will help you achieve your dreams today. Then make extra time to spend with your partner and children tomorrow. A good example of this balance can be read about in Jeff Heller’s autobiography, Life’s Mirror 978-1-951630-01-0. Heller is a musician, Real Estate professional, IT professional, father, and grandfather, who never stopped chasing his childhood dream of becoming a musician, while managing his responsibility as a husband and a father.

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