Understanding the point of view of someone other than you is a wise act but ignoring yours takes all the ingenuity out. To do something that has never been done, you will have to see things in a way no one has ever seen before. Without a doubt you will be categorized as the crazy on in the society but it’s a necessity needed for innovation. If it’s not you someone else will but the question is why not you? If it’s the fear of failing then know that each failure takes you a step closer to your success and the only way to succeed is by never giving up.
The more you get deep inside the process the more difficulties will find you. With every step that takes you closer to your goal also puts you into a new and more sever conflict and there is a high chance of losing all hope because at that point your brain put another dilemma in front of you; you come to think if it’s really just another problem to solve or am I entirely on a wrong path.
We get inspired by others and subconsciously our mind works on our characteristics to make us become habitual of doing similar acts that might put us in the same category of people. This particular mind trick is actually very beneficial for us, it helps us earn and practice things that suit us and that we agree upon. The only problem with it is that it stops us from seeing out of the box. As we are so invested in figuring out the perception our influencer has over different things we tend to ignore our own views and opinions over aspects.
Despotism is a sad reality of our world. There are people who have been practicing the act for so long. Among many others this might be the biggest reason that our world that is full of genius individuals are kept in check. It’s not entirely the act that keeps us from prospering, we as an individual also sometimes lack the courage to move ahead and go against the norms se by our society. In one way or the other we all are like a sheep, we follow that we see majority of the people doing. Some of us might disagree to the statement but it is true in all its forms. All of us have the delusion that we have a factor in our personality that is different from other and that arguably no one follows. But, in reality we have incorporated that very factor in our personality as we were influenced by it in someone else’s.
This is the point where you feel the need of a mentor that you can turn to, who can give you a new perspective or just take an over view and point out the things you might have missed, someone who will guide you. But, finding the right mentor is not as easy as it sounds but there is a reliable alternative which might be of help. “uCUBE The Tridimensional Language of Reality” by Rami Schwartz, this book is the best investment you can do in your growth. It will provide a model to analyze your problems and identify their essence, to organize your thoughts into concrete solutions and to predict their outcome with a lot more accuracy. Rami Schwartz as being an outstanding writer has a passion for education, personal growth and mentoring. Through experience and observations, he expanded his field of knowledge on the dimensions involved in this world.