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10 Reasons to Have Faith in God’s Words – Eloise Collins

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Eloise Collins is a devoted Christian and author, who is doing the Lord’s work by sharing her faith through her book, The Faithfull Journey 978-1-950088-15-7. Collins does so by sharing her life’s story and how her faith in God and Jesus Christ played an important role in it. She reminisces of the time she first heard Jesus Christ’s voice, at the young age of 16. Her faith has guided her through the toughest times of her life and has helped her rise against all odds. With The Faithfull Journey, Collins aims to help others, who are struggling in life, recognize Christ’s voice, and strengthen their faith.


Many people can struggle with understanding and completely believing in the Bible. That may be why their faith can feel shaky. But it is important to acknowledge that the Bible is the absolute word of God. To thoroughly understand these words and believe in them helps us strengthen and increase our faith in God and Christ. Here are 10 truths from the Bible by InTouch to strengthen your belief in God’s words. Hence, making your faith in God and Christ stronger.

· The Bible describes Jesus’ resurrection. Although He died and was buried, Christ overcame death through His resurrection and is now seated at His Father’s right hand in heaven making intercession for us (Col. 3:1).

· The Scripture tells us how to handle temptation. According to 1 Corinthians 10:13, God “will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.”

· The Word identifies the person of the Holy Spirit. He is the third member of the Trinity who indwells and seals believers as members of God’s family. He continually works in our lives to help us understand His Word and enable us to live godly lives.

· The Bible teaches us how to face trials and difficulties. The apostle Paul was greatly used by God, yet he suffered tremendously. While in prison, he wrote some of the New Testament Epistles that even today help us know how to handle our troubles.

· Scripture is a fountain of encouragement. Believing God’s Word brings blessed assurance and promises of peace and forgiveness (John 14:27; 1 John 1:9).

· It explains what happens at death. The Bible is our only reliable source regarding what awaits us after death. If we’re believers in Christ, we know that we’ll immediately be present with the Lord when we die (2 Cor. 5:8).

· God’s Word assures us of Christ’s return and our future reward. Jesus has promised to return for us one day and take us to the place He has prepared for us in His Father’s house (John 14:2-3).

· The Bible also warns us of coming judgment. According to Hebrews 9:27, “It is appointed for men to die once, and after this comes judgment”. Those who have rejected Christ will be judged according to their sins, but those who have received Him as Savior will be judged for the purpose of being rewarded.

· Scripture reveals future events. In the book of Revelation and other biblical prophecies, God tells us everything we need to know, but not everything we’d like to know.

· The Bible is the indestructible Word of the living God. Throughout history, people have mocked and scoffed, and even tried to destroy the Bible, but God has preserved His Word so that it will stand forever (Isa. 40:8). It is to be believed, valued, and obeyed.

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